Written by Robert Holmes
Directed by David Maloney |
Review: The Deadly Assassin.
Tom Baker (4th Doctor), Peter Pratt (The Master), Bernard Horsfall (Chancellor Goth), Erik Chitty (Engin), George Pravda (Castellan Spandrell), and Angus MacKay (Borusa)
I decided to do this review as a special treat for Halloween, doing a Doctor Who review. While this is a story for TV, it's a serial first (Parts almost at 24 mintues long), which convinced me to make a review of the classic serial. Anyway, this serial is the first to introduce us to the planet Gallifrey, home of the Time Lords. I like how the society is so...alien. They're aliens that look human (Though the Doctor 35 years later states Humans look Time Lord), yet they act so different from us. It's a fascinating serial that has good acting and a well balanced plat. The Master looks very skelelton like, considering he has run out of regenerations, and he will die soon (Until JNT decides to return him 5 years later...) This story is a classic that you will love because it does its job of telling a story, and then some more. And to the people who complained of the "torture" at Episode 3 in the 70's, ironic how everyone thinks its perfectly fine now. I guess we've evolved in that sense..
Overall, I give it a rating of 5 out of 5 stars.